ARS is a gaming system aimed at simplicity and adaptability in every play experience.

Born in 2005 from an idea of Roberto "the BaK" Cananzi that every year takes care of the edition and the development of new manuals.

The ARS provides a balanced and accessible basis for every kind of game you want to create: role-playing games, tactics, narratives, party games and live games.


All purpose Roleplaying System...


The fast line. Only the three Attitudes for the fast and entry level games.


The classic line. Attitudes and different arts for the most complete game.


The narrative line. Only Arts for a narrative game and the younger audience.

Dice Roller

A simple dice roller


All purpose Roleplaying System...

The system is based on the concept that every character in a story can be defined by a set of three fundamental values called Attitudes:


Physical strength, endurance and melee attack


Speed, precision, instrument use and distance attack


Knowledge, communication, perception and magical arts

Dividing an initial value between these three Attitudes the character is already dashed and balanced within the story.

Each character is also made autonomous by a possible figure of game referee , having already defined values ​​with which to compare for each kind of action.

To facilitate the customization and development of the games from version 15.05 the manuals are distributed in three compatible lines between them:


The fast line. Only the three Attitudes for fast sessions and board games.


The classic line. Attitudes and different arts for the most complete game.


The narrative line. Only Arts for a narrative game and the younger audience.

ARS was born in a vast panorama of systems in which, however, a true "open language" was lacking, so adaptable as to give life to very different game situations.

The basic manuals are simple flyers of a page, easy to read even online or ready to be printed and easily brought with you.

ARS has been used in several contexts:

In the playful environment over the years has proposed completely original settings and supported by various Italian and foreign gaming groups.

In artistic environment is the first role-playing game to be presented within artistic contexts untied from purely lids, proposing itself as an ideal conjunction between theater and narrative. His continuous development has come to bring the game to its state of the art with presentations of the manuals in festivals and literary circuits.

In social environment is at the center of studies and experiments in the field of education and social assistance: he entered the schools and in situations of social difficulty in which he brought his message of the importance of grouping and that no challenge is really impossible, through the metaphor of Attitudes and Arts.

The ARS has created over the years a very complex reality. Starting from an intense live role playing activity, creating a new format of entertainment, up to the birth of an artistic collective that has supported and followed the production of every kind of material derived from the gaming system.

The game system is distributed under Creative Commons 4.0 license therefore freely downloadable and usable together with basic material that allows examples of easy access to anyone who wants to approach this reality.

The game events related to ARS are varied, from table games to big live role-playing events.

An important occasion for arsini is the "Workaround": a cross-media event that allows all fans to propose their ideas for the development of the system, with a continuous dialogue that allows each year to have "the best possible ARS" .


The fast line. Only the three Attitudes for fast sessions and board games.

Illustrazione di Fear of the Darkness

v. 16.08

A role-playing game is a theatrical improvisation in which each player interprets a character of the story for the simple pleasure of interpreting it and writing together the best possible story (concept of de interpretatio).

A player (author of the "plot" of the story and game referee) plays the role of the Magister following and telling the development of the narration. So that everything is not just a fanciful hyperbole, it is customary to use a game regulation that defines parameters and limits to game situations.

ARS Espresso is an ultra-light regulation that wants to bring the role play to the simplicity and speed of the board game. This manual presents basic mechanics ready for the game and which, depending on the settings, can be expanded at will.

1 The character

Each player creates his character by dividing 10 Creation Points from the following three Attitudes and annotating them on his character sheet, each with a minimum value of 1 and a maximum of 8:


Physical strength, endurance and melee attack


Speed, precision, instrument use and distance attack


Knowledge, communication, perception and magical arts

Note: To create more or less advanced characters, the Magister can grant a number of Creation Points higher or lower: 5 Weak, 10 Normal, 15 Expert, 20 Heroic.

The player then notes the rumors: Total Hit Points (number of damage beyond which the character dies when exiting the game) the value of Corpus x 2. In Movement (spaces that can be passed in an action) the value of Celeritas. Range (with ranged weapons or actions) the Celeritas value x 2. Initial money the value of Animus x 5. Mana (total magic power reserve) the value of Animus x 3.

Example: Luca creates his character: "Rogar is a warrior who lives by expedients and travels the world." It will mark on its board: 5 Corpus, 3 Celeritas, 2 Animus. 10 hit points, 10 load, 3 movement, 6 throw, 25 initial denials and 6 mana.

2. Attitudes

When the player wants to use the skills of his character for an action that can give him advantages or disadvantages within the story (fight, use, search ...) he will have to make a test on the attitude related to the type of action taken by pulling 1 dice of 10 faces: If the result is equal to or less than the value of Attitude used (considering also any bonuses given for example by the Equipment) the test succeeds, otherwise it fails.

At a test of Attitude the result of 1 (called positive critic ) is the automatic success of the action, 10 is the disastrous failure ( negative critic ). The number of successes to the test is the difference between the value used in the test (with any bonuses) and the result of the dice.

Successes represent the effectiveness of the test performed: in combat tests the number of hits will be the number of hit points inflicted on the opponent. In remote tests (with targets beyond spaces adjacent to the occupied one) every space beyond the value of the Range accumulates a -1 malus to the test . In the research tests (based on Animus Attitude) it is the number of spaces surrounding oneself in which the character reveals any clues or secrets. In a competitive action between characters wins the character that gets more hits. In a cooperative action, with another character sum up half of the successes or failures obtained to those of the character who was the first to take the action.

Rogar uses his Animus 2 Attitude to search around him. Luca rolls the dice and gets 1. Being 1 of the dice below 2 of the value used, the action succeeds with 1 success. Indicates to the Magister the space in which he will detect clues, secrets or traps.

3. Equipment

Weapons and tools within the game add a bonus to the Attitude to which they are associated (only in actions related to their use). The protections increase the armor value : extra hit points that are consumed before the character's basic hit points are exhausted. The spells convert mana in fact , as indicated in their description. Each character can carry a maximum number of items of equipment equal to the number of his current Hit Points.

Value of the equipment is generically attributable to 10 deniers each: +1 bonus / hit point that deals or care / turn of magic effect granted / 1 extra meter in which its action takes effect. If it is mono-use the value is halved.

The equipment grants a maximum total bonus equal to the value that the character increases. Each object requires an action to be put, removed or moved .

Rogar has a sword that gives +2 to the attack. Having 5 in Corpus Attitude, once equipped will have 7 in melee attack trials. Perform an attack test against an enemy that has an armor value of 3. The dice rolls 2. Then he has 5 hits on the roll, 3 of which are subtracted from the armor and 2 from the opponent's hit points.

4. The game

The game round takes place starting from the character with the highest Celeritas. In each turn each character has at his disposal 3 actions of which he accumulates a penalty of -2 the second action and -3 the third . The player can also choose to keep third and possibly also second action (with relative malus) to use them within the next turn. It is possible to skip the turn ( rest ) by sacrificing the 3 actions and thus recovering the value of Corpus divided 3 into Hit Points and Animus divided by 3 into Mana. The game ends with the death of the characters or success in their business.

Rogar is in a combat phase and uses in his first round his 3 actions to attack: he will perform his first melee attack test with the value of 7 (Corpus 5 + 2 bonus given by the sword as seen in the previous example ), in the second action the value of 5 and in the third of 3. In the second round he decides to keep his third action, so in the third round he can perform an extra action with the -3 penalty of the previous round.

Espresso Live

The fast line. Only the three Attitudes for fast sessions and board games.

Illustrazione di Fear of the Darkness

v. 16.08

The live role-playing game is a great theatrical improvisation in which all the players are actors engaged in interpreting their own character.

There is no definite narration or setting: on an initial scene, prepared by a "Magister" (who organizes the event and certifies its safety), your character is free to interact as he believes with the other characters and with the story that you share. The aim of the game is to have fun and better interpret your character by living a real adventure together.

ARS Espresso is an ultra-light regulation that wants to bring the role play to the simplicity and speed of the board game. This manual presents basic mechanics ready for the game and which, depending on the settings, can be expanded at will.

1. The character

Each player prepares a card of the character by dividing 10 creation points into three values ​​called Attitudes and corresponding to all the types of tests that will meet:


Physical strength, endurance and melee attack


Speed, precision, instrument use and distance attack


Knowledge, communication, perception and magical arts

Note: To create more or less advanced characters, the Magister can grant a number of Creation Points higher or lower: 5 Weak, 10 Normal, 15 Expert, 20 Heroic.

The player then notes the entries: Total Hit Points (number of damages beyond which the character dies leaving the game) the value of Corpus x 2. Mana (magic power reserve) total the value of Animus x 3. The Attitudes will remain unchanged for the whole life of the character but they will vary through the equipment that will never offer a bonus higher than the value that goes to increase.

Example: Luke creates the character of Ludvig imagining him as a valid investigator from the average physicist, decides to write down Corpus 3, Dexterity 2, Animus 5. As a result he scores 6 total hit points, 9 objects of maximum load, he can hit at a maximum distance of 4 meters and will have 15 total points-Mana.

2. The Game

In addition to the total freedom at stake, there are game conventions to be known and respected:

Start and end : The game event begins with the Magister declaring the "Time in!" And ends with the Magister declaring the "Time out!". Between the beginning and the end there are no breaks in the interpretation and in any case the players will have to make sure that the game goes on.

Using Attitudes : The character has to use his own Attitude to change the story or gain an advantage. To use Attitudes declares aloud: "ARS! [Attitude Name] [Value Used] " showing any cards or instruments used in the action.

The Attitude can be used in play towards the scenario (for example a game element that requires a minimum value of a certain Attitude to be used) in which (after the statement to be done aloud) just compare the minimum required value with that of the character. Otherwise the Attitude can be used in a competitive action with another character (for example a fight). The competition will be won by the player with the highest declared value. In the case of combat the difference between the values ​​determines the hit points lost by the losing character.

Ludvig and Ernest compete in a sword duel. Start a combat scene. Ludvig declares "ARS! Corpus 3! ", Ernest declares" ARS! Corpus 5! ". The scene will end with the defeat of Ludvig who will lose 2 hit points.

The "Hit Points" : To indicate the health of the character, the count of "Hit Points" is used which decrease if the character suffers damage. At the end of his hit points the character dies and the player is forced to declare himself "out of play", leave the game objects on the ground and leave the field.

At the beginning of each hour all the characters take advantage of the recovery phase that returns them: half of the total hit points and half of the total number of points-Mana.

The work in progress tape (white and red) represents the limit between an area in play and an area out of play. A person's neck tape or on an object indicates an item that is not in play and other players must ignore its presence.

The Master Card is a card made recognizable by the symbol of the game printed in evidence and indicates a clue or a special game element. On the cover are reported any conditions to be met in order to read the contents of the sign. The signs are written in a clear way, so as to be understandable to anyone. If there are no different instructions, once the sign is read it must be torn and stored out of the way.

A lock can carry the sign "Lock that requires 40 seconds of shouting to be cracked" and having completed when indicated the sign can be opened and read.

Master Cards are cards that can be used to represent particular physical objects or game elements by reporting their relative bonuses. It is possible to carry a maximum number of cards / objects equal to the number of the character's current Hit Points , leaving any excess cards on the pitch. The Master Cards are to be shown when you use them and, if there are no different instructions, once used they must be torn and kept out of play .

Ludvig encounters a clue that needs a thorough investigation to be understood and is represented by a master card that includes a Animus value of 6 as a requirement. For this reason it shows the equipment card "Magnifying Glass" that rips, keeps in his pocket (out of play) and gives him a bonus of +2 allowing him to declare 7 of Animus to the test to understand the clue.

Theft and information : Inside the game it is also possible to lie and steal. Keep in mind that there is no extra-game information : when players exchange information regarding the game they are automatically considered in play and the information acquired can be used by their characters. As soon as possible the thief must deliver the stolen goods to the Magister so that it can be traced and recovered by the rightful owner in the recovery phase.

3. Security Rules

• Any kind of physical contact is forbidden. In particular attacks on the head, on the genitals, in the lunge or in charge are forbidden.

• Prohibit real weapons, sharp tools, sharp, not in perfect condition or considered dangerous by the Magister.

• At any time each player must be free to declare himself "out of the game!" And, keeping his hands up, leave the playing field as quickly as possible. The character leaves the scene with the exit of the player's scene.



The classic line. Attitudes and different arts for the most complete game.

Illustrazione di Luigi Consolante

v. 16.08

A role-playing game is a theatrical improvisation in which each player interprets a character of the story for the simple pleasure of interpreting it and writing together the best possible story (concept of de interpretatio). A player (author of the "plot" of the story and game referee) plays the role of the Magister following and telling the development of the narration. So that everything is not just a fanciful hyperbole, it is customary to use a game regulation that defines parameters and limits to game situations.

ARS Moka it is a light regulation that allows to define each game element of the unique and complete characteristics, so to recreate in a credible way a balanced universe in each element in which each character and object has specifics.

1. The character

Each player creates his character by dividing 100 Creation Points between the following three percentages of Attitudeseach with a minimum value of 10% and maximum of 80% ) and annotates them on his character sheet:


Physical strength, endurance and melee attack


Speed, precision, instrument use and distance attack


Knowledge, communication, perception and magical arts

Note: To create more or less advanced characters, the Magister can grant a number of Creation Points higher or lower: 50 Weak, 100 Normal, 150 Expert, 200 Heroic.

The initial concept of each character is the human, to modify the race we use the sacrifice of 10 Creation Points to obtain a capacity known in nature (or change in size or material) or 20 Creation Points to obtain supernatural power. With the same system it is possible to accumulate racial faults that add up Creation Points instead of sacrificing them.

The player then notes the rumors: in Points Hit (damage beyond which the character leaves the scene irretrievably) the value of Size x Material (200 in the case of a common human).

In Movement (spaces that can be traveled in an action, where a "space" is equal to 2 square meters of surface) the value of Celeritas divided by 10.

Range (eg with ranged weapons or spell) the Celeritas value x 2 and divided 10.

Initial money the value of Animus x 5 and divided 10. Mana (total power reserve) the value of Animus x 3 and divided 10 .

Example: Francesca imagines Elikki, her character, agile and intelligent. So he begins to fill out the card by assigning 20% ​​to Corpus Attitude: Elikki will therefore have 40 hit points. Francesca notes 40% as a value to Elikki's Celeritas Attitude. So in a game action you can move 4 spaces (8 meters). Running (and then using the entire turn) Elikki will travel 12 spaces (24 meters). Francesca gives Elikki 40% in Animus, Elikki at the beginning of the game will have 20 denari and 12 points Mana.

2. The Arts

There are skills in which the character has had a teaching and training, improving his chances of success: the Arts.

The player defines the Arts his character possesses relative to each Attitude and annotates them on the card. The Arts must have a minimum value of 5% and initially their total total can not exceed the value of the Attitude to which they refer.

Except for simple actions (jumping, swimming, etc.) the Arts are composed of a verb and an argument , such as "Driving cars" or "Knowing history".

A character can use an Art in place of another that has the same subject, in this case the percentage of Art used will have a half value.

Tuko is a cowboy traveling on his horse when suddenly the animal does not seem well. Not having the specific Art uses its 20% use of Horses [D] as 10% of Knowledge horses [M] and try the action with a shot based on the Animus attitude.

During the game the character can also learn from other characters the Arts that they possess with a minimum value of 20%: Beginning a period of apprenticeship in which he performs a trial in Animus for each hour of teaching. Once the test is successful, the character and his teacher spend 20% of the percentage of experience and the character can acquire the art learned with an initial value of 5%.

Table with examples of Arts divided by Attitudes:


Physical strength, create object, endurance and melee attack

Apnea Attack Melee (weapon) Create (argument) Swim Resistance (argument) Jump Scalar


Speed, precision, tools and vehicles use and distance attack

Acrobatics Attack Distance (weapon) Pickpocket Drive (vehicle) Move silently Hide Use (Object)


Knowledge, communication, perception and magical arts

Examples:Listening Searching Knowledge (subject) Diplomacy Entertaining with (subject) Language (language) Watching Beaming

Francesca imagines that Elikki is not a great warrior but has learned self defense with the use of knives, so under the Attitude Corpus notes "Attack in Melee with knives".

When the character finds himself having to use his abilities for an action that can give him advantages or disadvantages in the story (fight, use, search ...) the Magister can ask for a proof of relative aptitude by pulling player 1 die of 100 (2 dice of 10 for tens and units): If the result is equal to or less than the value of the Attitude (and possible Art or additional bonus) used the test succeeds, otherwise it fails.The result of 1 ( critical positive ) is the automatic success of the action, instead 100 is the disastrous failure ( negative critic ). In the case of a successful test the number of successes to the testis the difference between the value used in the test (Attitude with any Art, bonus and malus) and the result obtained at the die roll. Successes represent the effectiveness of the test performed. In the combat testsevery success accumulates a hit point inflicted. In distance tests (with targets beyond spaces adjacent to the occupied one) every space beyond the range value accumulates a -10 penalty to the test. In all actions that need to hit a goal , the character will have a bonus of 10% for every two major sizes that has the goal compared to his own, otherwise a malus of 10% for every two minor sizes. In a competitive action between charactersthe character who gets the most hits wins. In a cooperative action in aid of an action attempted by another character within the previous round, he adds half of the successes or failures obtained to those of the character who first undertook the action.

Elikki attacks an opponent using 20% ​​Corpus Attitude, 20% Art "Melee Attack with Knives" and 5% bonus of his dagger. At the roll of 100 the result is 20, so he gets 25 hits and inflicts 25 points of injury to the opponent.

References in percentage of Art and respective levels of knowledge:

Noob: 20%

Discreet: 40%

Good: 60%

Expert: 80%

Master: 100%

3. The Game

The game round begins with the Magister who describes the scene of the story and takes place from the character with higher Celeritas.

In each turn, each character has 3 actions at his disposal, of which he accumulates a penalty of -20% for the second action and -30% for the third. It is possible to skip the turn (rest) by sacrificing the 3 actions and thus recovering the value of Corpus divided 3 into Hit Points and Animus divided by 3 into Mana.

The game ends with the death of the characters or success in their business.

4. The Equipment

Weapons and tools within the game add a bonus to an Art they are associated with. For each value of your size an object can accumulate a + 5% bonus. Each object can grant a maximum total bonus equal to the value that increases and requires an action to be worn or moved .

A sword of size 4 will have the possibility to contain a maximum of 4 + 5% perfections. So you can give a minimum of + 5% (in the case of a poor sword with the value of 5 denari) at most a + 20% in Melee Attack with swords [C] (in the case of a perfect 20-dwarf sword) .

Using an object of any size other than the two sizes below your own, accumulate a malus of -10% for each size difference between that of the character and that of the object. The character can grasp objects with several hands , decreasing by 10% for each additional hand or support the malus from difference in size.

El Razid uses a halberd of size 7, despite being a character of size 5. The difference of 2 sizes accumulates a 20% malus on tests with the halberd. To mitigate this malus takes the two-handed weapon, bringing the malus -10% to the test.

The protections increase the armor value , extra hit points that are consumed before the character's basic hit points are exhausted. The spells convert mana in fact, as indicated in their description. Value of the equipment is 10 deniers each: + 10% bonus / hit points that deals or care / turn of magic effect granted / 1 extra space in which its action takes effect. If it is mono-use the value is halved.

5. Size and Material

Within the game each physical subject has a "size" and a "material", from which it is possible to establish the number of hit points: Multiplier of the material x Value of the size.

If for a character the end of the hit points represents death, for an object it will represent that state of damage in which it is now worn out and useless.

The size comes from the space occupied by the subject and also changes the scope within which he can perform actions in contact.

To obtain the size compare the value of the space with the parameters shown in the following table:




1 Microscopic 3 cm³ 3 cm.
2 Lowercase 10 cm³ 10 cm.
3 Reduced 25 cm³ 25 cm.
4 Small 50 cm³ 50 cm.
5 Average 1 m³ 1 m.
6 Great 2 m³ 1 m.
7 Huge 3 m³ 2 m.
8 Gigantic 4 m³ 3 m.

Beyond size 8 it is possible to obtain an infinite number of sizes, which increase with each square meter occupied by the subject and maintain a flow equal to the space occupied by the creature -1. In case of hollow objects or that do not completely cover the space of their size, the value of the size must be halved.

A metal block of 1 meter by 1 will have size 5. If it were a hollow trunk, however, its would be considered half-size then 2 for the calculation of hit points.

The material derives from the hardness of the subject and is compared with the following table which shows the multiplier useful for the calculation of the hit points (if the material considered is not in the list use a material of similar hardness, in the case of objects composed of different materials are calculated according to the prevailing material):



1 Fabric 5 x size
2 Glass 10 x size
3 Leather 15 x size
4 Organic 20 x size
5 Wood 25 x size
6 Stone 30 x size
7 Iron 35 x size
8 Kevlar 40 x size

If an average human has hit points of 20 (organic material) x 5 (average size), Komo is an iron android in size 6. His hit points will be equal to 35 (iron) x 6 (size).


The classic line. Attitudes and different arts for the most complete game.

Illustrazione di Luigi Consolante

v. 16.08

The live role-playing game is a great theatrical improvisation in which all the players are actors. With ARS Moka Live there is no definite narration or setting: on an initial scene, prepared by a "Magister" (who organizes the event and certifies its safety), your character is free to interact as he believes with the other characters and the story that is shared. Everything you see and hear is real and useful for the purposes of the game. There are no mimate or described actions and the action takes place in real time. There is no material needed to play except this manual that every player must read carefully. The aim of the game is to have fun and better interpret your character by living a real adventure together.

1.0 Security

Safety rules to be respected absolutely during the game:

• Any kind of physical contact is forbidden.

• Head and genital attacks are prohibited in combat. Lash attacks (rushing) and in charge (throwing with the weight of the body against the opponent) are forbidden

• Prohibited real weapons or instruments deemed dangerous by the Magister. The equipment not in perfect condition must be delivered to the Magister and must NOT be used.

• At any time each player must be free to declare himself "out of the game!" And, keeping his hands up, leave the playing field as quickly as possible. The character "dies" with the player leaving the scene.


2.0 The game

The game begins by imagining our character. Keep in mind that we will have to interpret it for a long time and that it will have to be in line with the setting established for the event. A quick way to define it is to write the "background" a letter in the first person where it is presented with at least three sentences: the first regarding its origin, the second regarding what it currently does and the last concerning what it wants to obtain. The character is defined by his background and by the Arts, skills in which he is particularly skilled and which we will elaborate further on. The initial equipment for each character will be 1 weapon, 1 protection, 1 instrument + 1 object of choice for each Arte acquired. Usually the backgrounds are delivered before the event to the Magister so that it can verify and integrate them in the history but it is not rare that it is the same Magister to write the background and to assign them, to have a more coherent story or to meet the players. The Magister will give each player a "character sheet" with all the information and which will be referenced in case of controls from the organization.

Example: Francesca writes the background of her character: "My name is Lois Searie and I come from a modest London family. I'm a secretary in a real estate company. My innate curiosity leads me to seek new adventures and mysteries to unveil.

The game event begins with the Magister declaring the "Time in!" And ends with the Magister declaring the "Time out!". Between the beginning and the end there are no breaks in the interpretation and in any case the players will have to make sure that the game goes on. Keeping in mind the background you are free to move and interact freely, without any action mimed or described: everything is real.

Note: In longer events the characters can be improved by accumulating "Experience Points" that allow the acquisition of some particular skills called Arts. Participating in a live event (with clothes and accessories in theme with the setting of the game) means earning automatically 1 experience point at the beginning of the event. The Magister may assign additional experience points at his discretion, for example to reward those who can complete the objectives in play. Bearing in mind a unique value of Total Experience Points, the number of Experience Points needed to obtain new Arts is progressive by one unit: The first Art is obtained with the first Experience Point, the second one arriving at 3 Total Experience Points (1 + 2), the third one by accumulating 6 (3 + 3), the fourth 10 (6 + 4) and so on.

2.1 Game conventions

In addition to free interpretation there are a few extraordinary elements to consider during the game experience:

• The "ARS" call : To indicate a particular event in play (such as the effect of a spell or an elaborate object) we use the "ARS" call: a pre-established word to be loudly and loudly exclaimed . This call follows a simple command, a duration and a range: the player to whom this command is addressed must execute it immediately.

Lina is playing when an opponent tells her "ARS! Within 5 meters! On the ground for 30 seconds! ". Recognizing the call "ARS" Lina is forced to sit on the ground for the 30 seconds indicated.

• "Hit Points" : To indicate the health of the character we keep in mind that every limb of our body has 1 point of injury and the area of ​​the trunk (which also includes the head) has 2. Every time a zone suffers a damage it loses hit points: Melee weapons deal 1 hit point, ranged weapons deal 2 points. If a weapon deals a different damage, the player who uses it is required to declare the number of damage dealt to each attack. The area that remains at zero hit points "dies" becoming unusable.

• Work in progress tape: The white and red ribbon used to indicate a zone of work in progress is the limit between an area in play and an area out of play. This type of ribbon around an object indicates that that object is not in play and therefore must be ignored by players as if it did not exist. A person's neck tape indicates that that person is not currently in play and other players must ignore their presence. Usually this solution is used by the Magister to be able to move freely within the game scene without affecting it.

• The master card : It is a card made recognizable by the symbol of the game printed in evidence. Indicates a clue or a special game element. On the cover are reported any conditions to be met in order to read the contents of the sign. The signs are written in a clear way, so as to be understandable to anyone. If there are no different instructions, once the card has been read it must be torn and kept out of the game.

A lock can carry the sign "Lock that requires 40 seconds of shouting to be cracked" and having completed when indicated the sign can be opened and read.

• Theft and information : Inside the game it is also possible to lie and steal. Keep in mind that there is no extra-game information: when players play back information about the game they are automatically considered in play and the information acquired can be used by their characters. All objects may be stolen in play (exceptions are game items and personal belongings of players). As soon as possible the thief must deliver the stolen goods to the Magister so that it can be traced back to the rightful owner once out of the game.

• Recovery : at the beginning of every hour each character recovers: Half of his total hit points to be added to the zones chosen by the player. Items stolen in the previous game time. Half of the total number of points-Mana and / or master cards he has available.

3.0 Advanced Game: Magic

The characters who have the "Magic" Art get a reserve of "Mana" that allows you to use the call "ARS!" In play at will. Each call must use at least one Mana point and more Mana can be sacrificed to concentrate its effects. The call must be made in a clear and aloud, addressing the objective to which it is addressed and consists of three parts, in this way:

"ARS! [Effect] [Duration] [Distance] "

"Effect" means a simple order (which can not be decomposed into sub-actions) that the target must perform. Each spell can have only ONE effect. "Duration"indicates the duration in seconds that the spell must have. Each spell has a duration of 10 seconds and for each point.Mana that is added may increase by 10 seconds. "Distance" is the distance within which the spell takes effect. Each spell has a minimum distance of 5 meters and for each point-Mana that is added can increase by 5 meters.

Francesca plays Lois, a clever detective with a passion for occultism. Pursued by a fool Lois decides to cover the escape with a magic help, turning to the opposing character the intimate "ARS! Close your eyes for 10 seconds in 5 meters! " He subtracts a point-Mana from his five total. To be further sure not to be followed evokes a second spell "ARS! Stand still for 20 seconds in 5 meters! "Sacrifices two more points-Mana and can resume the escape.

The call can also have the effect "Damage!" Or "Cure!" In this case the target will choose the part of the body in which to remove or add hit points. Magic cures or damage deal basic 3 hit points and for each point-Mana that you add will increase by 1 hit point. In any case, the number of points dealt or cared for is always to be declared. If the magician suffers at least 1 hit point of damage during the call the spell is canceled and must be rephrased.

3.1 Advanced Game: Master Cards

The characters that have the Art "Master Signs" get "Master Signs" that can be placed on the pitch just like those that use the Magister to prepare the scene. They are cards bound to an object or a point of the playing field of your choice that outside they have a condition to be read and inside a description, an effect and a duration that will impose on those who read them. The reading of the card must take place in a conscious action of the reader and it is possible to sacrifice the white signs to concentrate their effects. The content of a master card will be:

"[Description] [Effect] for [Duration]"

"Description" is optional but useful to help the reader interpret the sign by specifying, for example, that the sign represents a trap or that it gives him a feeling of relief. "Effect" means a simple order (which can not be decomposed into sub-actions) that the reader must perform. Each sign can contain only ONE effect. "Duration"indicates the duration in seconds of the effect. Each sign can contain a 20 second base rate and you can add another 20 seconds for each extra sign that you want to sacrifice. The reader will have to tear the sign once read, so it will only take effect once during the game. Each master card deals or heals 5 basic hit points that increase by 2 for each extra placard that is sacrificed.

Giada plays Venusia, a priestess who decides to create a potion of care to offer to her allies: she will attack on a flask a sign with the condition "Mima di bere" and description: "Potion of cure! +5 hit points. "

4.0 Arts

Here is a list of basic Arts that the character can acquire, the effects of the Arts can be accumulated acquiring the same Art:



To heal It allows you to treat yourself or another character. Rubbing the area to be treated with a rough fabric (such as bandages) producing the sound of rustling for 10 seconds, you recover 1 hit point (for each healing Art you have) in the healed part.
Repair It allows to repair armor from the hit points that they suffer in combat. Increase by 1 hit point (for each repairing Art you have) the recovery you can give to objects by mimicking the action of repairing for 10 seconds. The action to be mimed to repair is to beat a stiff object (a hammer or a stick) against the ground, producing the sound of a sharp blow against the ground.
Use [tool] -20 seconds in the elaboration of a master cartel related to the instrument. es. "Using burglary tools" will allow you to open a lock in 20 seconds that required 40.
Combat with [weapon] +1 damage using a type of weapon to be specified.
Wound point [arms / legs / torso] + or basic hit points in one area of ​​the body to be specified between: "Arms" (+1 to the right arm and +1 to the left) "Legs" (+1 right leg and +1 left) "Torso" (+2 to the torso ).
Regeneration +3 hit points for automatic recovery
Magic +5 total points-Mana (v.4.0)
Magic Speed -1 to the number of points-Mana needed to increase the duration of a 10-second spell
Magic Span -1 to the number of points-Mana needed to increase the span of 5 meters
Destructive Magic Allows you to load 2 extra basic damage to each spell.
Healing Magic It allows you to heal 2 extra basic wound points for each spell.
Magic Resistance Increases the number of hit points that must be incurred to make a spell vanish
Master cartels +5 Master signs (see 5.0)
Quick Signs Increase the base duration of the effect you want to give to your master signs by 10 seconds.
Destructive signs It allows you to load 3 extra damage to each master card.
Healing Signs It allows you to heal 3 extra wound points for each master cartel


The narrative line. Only Arts for a narrative game and the younger audience.

Illustrazione di M. Nania

v. 16.08

A role-playing game is a theatrical improvisation in which each player play a character of the story for the simple pleasure of interpreting it and writing together the best possible story (concept of de interpretatio).

A player (author of the "plot" of the story and game referee) plays the role of the Magister following and telling the development of the narration. So that everything is not just a fanciful hyperbole, it is customary to use a game regulation that defines parameters and limits to game situations.

ARS Cappuccino is dedicated to the narrative game, deliberately light and little aimed at realism in favor of the taste of the players to create more compelling stories that likely, ideal for young players.

1. The character

The character is created starting from 5 Key Phrases representing his Arts : knowledge that he has acquired and in which he has trained using time.

These Key phrases can be noted on the card of your character by defining which is the phrase that most distinguishes him and the topics in which he is a teacher, a good connoisseur or of whom he is a beginner.

Luke is a farmer who has devoted his time to piloting space ships with a group of rebels who oppose the imperial system. He has trained in the use of mystical arts and combat with lightsabers with a hermit.
For the character of Luke we will define the Key phrases:
"I try to pilot along the route of this star map"
"Target under target, space ship ready to shoot ... Fire!"
"You will not escape the slash of my sword ... On guard!"
"A Disciple of Mystical Arts can talk to you with a lot of wisdom to be able to convince you ..."
"Taking care of this plant I will try to give it new life"

The Key phrases must indicate a clear action and report any objects that are necessary to the action you are going to take (eg a sword master can exclaim "Now I will hit with the fury of my sword!").

Once used the same Key Sentence CAN NOT be repeated before before at least 3 game turns.

The Key Sentence must be plausible in the context and in the dialogue in which it is used, respecting the climate of the scene and the sense of dialogue.

Once the Keyword has been declared, the player can describe the direct consequence of using the pronounced Key Phrase.

Luke finds himself having to escape a trap from one of the Imperial Guards.
Luca (the player who moves Luke) chooses to use the Key phrase "You will not escape the sword of my sword ... On guard!" and as a consequence he describes "with my slash I hit and knock my opponent to the ground." in this way he can escape to his spaceship.
Once there he uses the phrase "I try to pilot along the route of this star chart" to get to safety via the spacecraft.

It can be very convenient to write each Key Sentence on a playing card or a sheet to put in front of if rotating 90 degrees after the phrase has been used is at the beginning of each game turn: in this way it will be easier to keep present the Key Phrases available and the number of shifts necessary so that they can be reused.

Each character has at his disposal 5 states of health : Perfect (initial state), tried, painful, dying and defeated. When he suffers damage, he "loses" a state of health, coming to the last state of health is defeated and then forced to leave the scene. Through appropriate treatment interpreted at stake the state of health can be recovered one degree at a time.

2. The Equipment

Weapons and tools within the game are used to activate Key Phrases. They can be annotated on the card of your character or more conveniently represented with playing cards. Each object requires an action to be put, removed or moved .

3. The Game

Once the characters are prepared, they sit around the table and the Magister introduces the initial scene in which the characters will move. The order of play begins and ends with the Magister following the players clockwise. The Magister in his turn is responsible for describing the game scene and interpreting any "extras" in the story.

During his turn each player has at his disposal three actions that he can use to move his character, move the objects around him or in the inventory and use the key phrases to change the story.

In case of generic tests that are not part of an Art available to the character, the Magister can make a "Fate test" : a simple question is asked and a 10 die is rolled. If the die result is equal to or less than 5 the answer to the question will be positive, otherwise negative.The Magister can increase or decrease the difficulty of proof of a value for each factor in favor or disfavour of the question asked.

The game ends with the resolution of the story in a happy ending or with the defeat of the main characters.

Dice Roller

A simple dice roller.